Meta Staff Day in Clonee and Dublin raises €2,450 for Heart Children Support Services

Meta Staff Day in Clonee and Dublin raises €2,450 for Heart Children Support Services

Big thanks to Darren Foley for supporting Heart Children through a Wear Red day in Meta offices in Dublin and Clonee. Darren’s son, Eddie, was diagnosed with a complex form of CHD after a murmur was detected by his GP. He has had open heart surgery followed by surgery to insert a pacemaker and his parents Darren and Emma have been wonderful fundraisers for Heart Children. Huge thanks to Darren for nominating Heart Children and thanks to the Meta staff who raised over €2,450 for our support services.

Do you work in a company that has a charity of the year programme? Can you propose Heart Children? We can support you with any information/background required and would love to discuss how we can help you with the application. Call Niamh on 083 025 4580 or email


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